Day Two – When Green is Black & White

Bramble & VineI’ve said it before.  One of my very favorite things to recycle is old books.  I was raised the daughter of a librarian.  Some of my very favorite childhood memories include books.  Many of my most treasured posessions are also books.  I adore old books – the scent of the old paper, the beauty of aged paper and ink, and the feeling of history.

Cowboy Book Bramble & VineWhen I find an old book that is falling apart I love to find a way to use it again.  It lends its own essence of timelessness and beauty to any project it’s used on.  Many of my very favorite projects include the pages from books that might otherwise end up discarded.

If you don’t happen to have any old books of your own to create with, try library sales, used book stores, thrift stores and estate sales!

Barbara Anne Williams
Bits of Ivory
Bramble & Vine @Etsy and @1000Markets

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